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  2. Job Information

Job Information

Employment information of U-Community Hotel Co., Ltd.

  • 【Full-time employee recruitment】

    【Front desk full-time employee recruitment】

    We are not currently recruiting.

    Thank you for your interest in our company.
    We are very sorry, but we are not currently recruiting.
    We will notify you on this page when we are recruiting.
  • 【Part adoption】

    【Recruitment of front desk night and part-time staff】

    We are not currently recruiting.

    Thank you for your interest in our company.
    We are very sorry, but we are not currently recruiting.
    We will notify you on this page when we are recruiting.

    【Recruitment of front desk day shift part-time staff】

    We are not currently recruiting.

    Thank you for your interest in our company.
    We are very sorry, but we are not currently recruiting.
    We will notify you on this page when we are recruiting.